Your Guide to Mortgage Closing Forms 6/12/2018 Mortgage closing forms can be hard to understand and interpret. This guide will make it easy for you to understand what you are signing when you sign your closing forms.
Throw a Backyard Barbecue Tiki Party 6/7/2018 Throw a tiki themed backyard barbecue for you and your friends to enjoy warmer weather and the beginning of summer.
Be a Master Negotiator When Buying Your Next Car 6/5/2018 Buying a new car can be intimidating, especially when it comes to negotiating. These tips will make you a master negotiator when it comes to purchasing your next car.
When to Refinance a Car Loan 5/31/2018 Many car loans are kept with the original lender during the life of the loan but it can be beneficial in some instances to consider an auto loan refinance.
What I Wish I Had Known About Mortgages 5/29/2018 Buying a home can seem a little scary. We have you covered with some advice from a homeowner about what they wish they had known about mortgages before they bought their house.
Easy Ways to Ease Your Financial Stress 5/24/2018 Financial stress is something that burdens most people. Follow these tips to ease your financial stress and increase your financial awareness.
You Can Do It! Saving For A Down Payment 5/22/2018 Buying a home or purchasing a new car can feel like a big challenge especially when you have to save 20% for a mortgage down payment (thats a myth by the way). We have some easy ways you can cut expenses and start saving money towards your next big purchase.
Auto Financing Dealership vs. Credit Union 5/17/2018 Buying a car can present a financing challenge with the option to either finance your purchase through the dealer or financial institutions like a credit union.
Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? No… it is Escrow 5/15/2018 Understanding everything that goes into buying a home can feel daunting. In this blog we answer one of the important mortgage questions, What is Escrow?
Separating Your Funds: Financial Advice for When You're Facing Divorce 5/10/2018 Divorce is an unfortunate circumstance, but a real one people encounter everyday. Are you looking at getting a divorce. Here is some basic advice for the newly separated when it comes to dividing the assets.