Rocky Mountain Credit Union Blog

How to Make a Home Decorating Budget and Stick to It

Written by Kelly Fleiner | 1/24/19 2:56 PM


Start Big

HGTV tells us that budget is a dirty word in the decorating game, but a necessary evil. These experts tell us to start with your wish list. Go big, think of everything you could ever want and put it on the list. Once you have the list, you can really start narrowing down your wants and needs.

Decide How Much You Have to Spend

Determine what your ACTUAL budget is. No, this doesn’t mean figure out what everything on your wish list will cost… Instead, determine how much you have to spend on your home decorating adventures! You should take into account your monthly expenses and if this budget will be causing you to eat Ramen Noodles for the foreseeable future.

An easy way to get in touch with your budget constraints is to become one with the price tags of your wish list items. Hit the stores, catalogs and the Internet to research how much the items on your wish list will cost. If it's been a few years since you've decorated — or if this is your first significant home project — expect some sticker shock.

Get Some Pinterest Worthy Inspiration

Spend some time on Pinterest and find out how others are decorating their homes on a budget. I guarantee you will find some ideas you hadn’t thought of, plus there is always a printable budget worksheet available for download on Pinterest.

Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize!

Now that you have planned out your dream home, it’s time to prioritize. Start by reading this article from The Balance. Then go through and make a list of rooms you want to decorate and rank them in order of when you want to get them done. Trying to fill every room at once can be an overwhelming task, but the good news is, it’s unnecessary. Taking it one step at a time will make your life much more comfortable. 

Get Down and Dirty 

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and put some work in. For those of you who are decorating on a budget, you can save a ton by doing some of the work yourself. Do it yourself projects can be stressful but so rewarding when you finish your project. Give yourself plenty of time and be patient with yourself. The final product is so worth it!

Do Some Thrift Shopping

Consider next, what can you get for cheap or free. Seriously, some of my favorite finds for home decor come from garage sales. Have you been to the thrift store or garage/yard sales looking for home decor items? Usually, I paint them or change them in some way to make them my own, but they become staples in my home decor. My favorite vases and my china hutch have been hand-me-downs that I have refurbished. It’s certainly something to think about instead of buying all your home décor brand new… and at full price.

As you start your next home decorating project, keep these budget tips in mind. You’ll be amazed at the difference sticking to your budget will make. Do you have other tips and tricks that you’ve used while decorating your home? We’d love to hear them! Let us know in the comments below.

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