1. Fraud is an industry standard and although you and your financial institution do everything possible for protection, criminals are always hard at work. By carrying and using your credit card rather than a debit card you are protecting yourself from from some of the effects of fraud if it should occur. A credit card is easier to cancel and the false purchases never have to reach your checking account, protecting your hard earned money.
2. Having a credit card available while traveling will allow you to have more than one form of payment should a larger purchase be needed as you discover more adventures on your travels. Sometimes it is easy to get swept away by all of the possible adventures that you can experience while on your vacation. A credit card will give you more flexibility to be able to enjoy your travel experience without having to worry about transferring funds from different accounts.
3. Often when using a debit card for reservations, the amount or portion of the amount of purchase is held, freezing funds needed for other expenses. With a credit card, reservations are held with the complete purchase charged at the time of departure.
4. Should an issue arise, Visa credit cards offer travel insurance and some even offer rental car insurance (when you rent your car with your Visa). Make sure to contact your credit card company to fully understand the terms of your credit card travel and rental car insurance before your trip.
5. International travel is easier with exchange rates automatically figured into each transaction. Paying for your spectacular foreign meal is much easier with your credit card which is most likely going to be accepted and is much easier than trying to figure out conversion rates of currency by using cash.
6. Paying your credit card's payment is easier than ever with online banking. You can make a quick and easy trek to your hotel room or an internet cafe to log-in and pay off your bill so you don't have to worry about late fees!
So whether you are traveling through the woods to grandma’s house or crossing the continent for your next international adventure, travel with a credit card. You will keep your finances safe, feel more protected, and give yourself some added convenience and peace of mind. If you are planning for your next trip, or just trying to figure out your finances, download our free budget worksheet to help you get started.